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Alpha Online

23 December 2020 No Comment

There is a recent interview with Nicky Gumbel where he said he was completely surprised by how well Alpha online works, and that he didn’t expect it take off, he is open in saying that he thought Alpha shouldn’t be delivered in any other way than a physical gathering but admits he has been proven wrong.

We also ran an Alpha Online earlier in the year and it went incredibly well. It was such a blessing for both the team and guests alike to gather on Zoom to watch the film then discuss and share thoughts afterwards. It was such a good away to explore the Christian faith and chat through some big questions people had. Being online really opened the door for people – we had a few people join us that wouldn’t have come along to a physical gathering.

If you would like to explore more about Christian faith or know someone that would really benefit from trying alpha, we will be running our next online course starting at 7:30pm on Wednesday 24th February. It will run on Zoom for 6 weeks.

If you would like to know more or sign-up, simply head over to www.stourvalleyvineyard.org/alpha

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