All Hallow’s Eve
Revd Ruth Ridge writes:
It will soon be Halloween again and Churches Together in Sudbury and District are encouraging you if you are able to put a light in your window and to display this note and prayer as a reminder of the real origin of Halloween.
Did you know?
The word Halloween comes from ‘All Hallows’ Eve’ which is the evening before the festival of All Saints’, when the Church remembers all those who have faithfully followed Jesus during their lives. Traditionally it was an evening when the reality of evil was remembered, before celebrating the festival of All Saints’, which reminds us that, although evil is a real and present force in the world, God’s goodness always prevails.
The love and affection of the angels be with you,
The love and affection of the saints be with you,
The love and affection of heaven be with you,
To guard you and cherish you.
May God shield you on every step,
May Christ guide you on every path,
May the Spirit fill you on every slope,
In all your comings and goings. Amen.
(The note and prayer can be downloaded here)