Aglow International – Sudbury Chapter
Aglow International – Sudbury Chapter
Hi Ladies
Just writing to remind you about our next meeting which will be on 5th February at our usual venue of Delphi Sports Club, Alexandra Road with
access off Newton Road, Sudbury. We start at 10.00am and finish by12.30pm.
We are delighted to welcome Sue Lockwood as our speaker, Sue trained as an actress and acted professionally for 5yrs and then went into teaching voice and running drama classes for children. She is married to Graham and has three children. Following her move to Suffolk she had a calling to rediscover after 30 years the faith she had at 14 and two years ago she and Graham were baptised. Sue suffers from an autoimmune disease called ’sjogrens syndrome’ which makes life a struggle but she knows that God gets her through each day. Come and join us as Sue shares her testimony and life experiences with us, we know this will be an encouraging and uplifting morning and not to be missed.
The cost for the morning is £3 which includes refreshments available at the end of the meeting.
If you need any more information, please do not hesitate to contact me on 01787 371867 or email
Gill Sparks