Hello Dear Ladies
We would be delighted for you to join us this Saturday 6th May at 10.00am at our usual venue CCF, The Hall, 1 Broom Street, Great Cornard, CO10 0JT.
This month we are pleased to welcome Sheila Jacobs as our speaker. Sheila is an award-winning writer, speaker and editor and her latest book ‘To Live Again’ will be published later this year, she is single and is currently serving as a deacon in the Elim Church in Braintree. The theme of her message is ‘Encountering God’ so carve out a few hours for yourself on Saturday morning and be enlightened, encouraged and blessed by being with your sisters in Christ.
Cost for the morning is £3 which includes delectable dainties at the end of the morning, we are looking forward to meeting up with you all again.
An advanced notice for your diaries, we do not usually meet in August but this year we are going to repeat what we did a couple of years ago and have an ‘Away Day’ on 12th August at the beautiful venue of Assington Hall, it will not be expensive to come along and it will be bring your own lunch. More information later.
God bless you
With love, Gill Sparks