Agape Café
Agape Café
Please see the flier about a potential new outreach initiative: “Agape cafe”.
To clarify: this is NOT a cafe church. The vision is to provide an informal, non-threatening Christian cafe environment in the heart of Great Cornard that can be used for outreach – a space to which Christians of a variety of ages should feel comfortable to bring their non-Christian friends and work colleagues, to build relationships.
This is something that I feel that God has put on my heart, and I guess the evening on 20th May is me putting out my fleece. I know that I will not be able to run a cafe on my own, so I hope that people will prayerfully consider whether they would like to be involved. If people sign up then we can move forwards, if not, then I know it’s not for now.
Anyone interested in finding out more, please come along on Sunday 20th May, 7.30 to Wells Hall Old School (where I envisage the cafe will eventually run). Many thanks.
Linda (Linda Mackie of New Church, Cornard).