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ABI’S FOOTPRINTS BABY BANK – New Life Church, Great Cornard

28 March 2023 No Comment

Supporting families, struggling in difficult circumstances to meet the practical needs of children aged 0-5 years.

Due to the ever-increasing needs of local families, we are bursting at the seams and are on the move to a larger industrial unit at Stour Valley Business Centre, where parents will be able to view and choose the things they need…anything from bottles to buggies! But first we need to build an ‘inner room’ within the big space, where they can meet Abi’s volunteers and select clothing in comfort.

DIY SOS – The Big Build!    

25th to 28th April 2023

We need more volunteers to join Ben Troughton and his team in this task. So if you are skilled in wood frame/plasterboard construction and/or painting, and could spare a few hours or days, we’d love to hear from you! We can offer you great company, coffee and buns!  But your main reward will be knowing that you’ll help to make a real difference to the lives of many families at this challenging time.

The Big Build is costing over £4000. So we’d also love to hear from anyone who has a useful contact or hot tip on cheapest sources of timber, plasterboard, screws etc.!

Please contact:-  Gill Soper on 01787 582562 / 07879657007 or email gill@abisfootprints.co.uk.

Thank you!

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