A Spectrum of Song workshop in Lavenham
On Saturday 25 March we are holding a singing day at Lavenham Church, open all churches in the area (all denominations). The day will be exploring a wide range of music for worship, and designed to give new ideas about hymns and song, and ways to blend old and new.
I attach a poster.
Tickets cost £10 (booked in advance), and further details can be found at https://stedscathedral.org/inharmony/
I should be grateful if you would make this known to Sudbury Churches Together. It is part of St Edmundsbury Cathedral’s plan to resource churches across Suffok for music in worship.
From Richard Hubbard, St Edmundsbury & Ipswich Music Development Director ? 01473 659048
Email: music.development@stedscathedral.org
See also letter which gives more information.