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Training evening at Sudbury Baptist Church, tomorrow Wed. Dec. 12th starting at 7.30pm, and finishing at 9.30pm. It is also an opportunity for anyone who may be interested in becoming involved, to find out more, be that as a Town Pastor, or in a supportive role at Prayer Base, or as a Home Pray-er.
This is an open invitation, of an opportunity for anyone interested in being involved in such a wonderfully rewarding avenue of Christian ministry, to come to more
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From Frank Marsden
Greetings in Jesus’ name.
I am writing to you on behalf of Sudbury Town Pastors, with a heartfelt plea.
This will be the 10th year since Sudbury Town Pastors was formed.
We believe that ministering to the people on the streets of Sudbury on Saturday nights between the hours of 10pm and 3am, during what is sometimes called the night-time economy, is something that God has called us to.
But for the first more
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Sudbury Town Pastors
Sudbury Town Pastors are holding their annual fellowship get together meal at Sudbury Baptist Church, on Friday June 8th 2018 at 7.30pm.
There will be a buffet supper, a report from Town Pastors Central (Suffolk) and bible ministry from Andy Jelfs.
An open invitation is extended to anyone who may be interested in meeting and talking to the Town Pastors team, becoming involved with the Town Pastors, or just simply to find out more about their work.
You are very welcome more
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Sudbury Town Pastors – Open Evening
The Sudbury Town Pastors are holding an Open Evening at the Christopher Centre, in Gainsborough Street, Sudbury, on Monday January 23rd 2017, from 7.30pm to about 9pm, for anyone who might be interested in, or who would just like to know more about, becoming a Town Pastor, a Base Pray-er or a Home Pray-er.
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Support Sudbury Town Pastors
Waitrose is supporting Sudbury Town Pastors this month, so if you shop there ask for a green token and pop it into that pot. Every bit helps.
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Sudbury Town Pastors
The website has been unavailable for some time.
There is now a Sudbury Town Pastors page under “Special Areas” and also among the Links well down on the right-hand side.
The website is currently unavailable.
Sudbury Town Pastors was launched on 1 August 2009 following the success of similar schemes in other towns in Suffolk, UK. Teams of Christians walk the streets of the town centre, usually on a Saturday night, to offer help to those in need.
Volunteers can help in three ways:
by training to become a town pastor; by being at the prayer base in the town; by praying at home when the town pastors are operating.For more information, or more
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Town Pastors
Frank Marsden’s report of a recent night in Sudbury is attached.
Please continue to make people aware of this work, and the need for more people both on the streets and to pray.
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Town Pastors from Brian Stenner
It is with deep regret that we have to inform you that the evening at the Police Station, scheduled for 16th November to promote Town Pastors, had to be cancelled since we had just one single enquiry.
Has the town lost interest in this project? Do Christians not feel called to reach out to the youngsters of our town in the night time economy? We urgently need new blood to get involved before the existing team more